Interface ActionParameterValidator

public interface ActionParameterValidator

Actions can implement this to take part in action parameter validation.

This is better than doing additional validation as first step in the action's perform method because it ensures that no properties of the action and nested beans will be set to invalid values.

$Id:,v 1.4 2005/09/27 21:30:50 fforw Exp $ Logo
Sven Helmberger ( sven dot helmberger at gmx dot de )

Method Summary
 boolean validate(Session session, ActionParameter actionParameter)
          Is invoked after the parameters are validated and before the parameters are set and the action is performed.

Method Detail


boolean validate(Session session,
                 ActionParameter actionParameter)
Is invoked after the parameters are validated and before the parameters are set and the action is performed. The given ActionParameter instance contains the validated parameter values. Note that this method is also invoked if one of the parameters did not validate. The ActionParameter instance will be marked as not valid in this case. If this method returns false the action will not be performed

session - Session the attempt happened in.
actionParameter - action parameter set received.
false if the parameter validation failed and the action should not be performed.