Package org.japano

This package contains the page engine.


Interface Summary
ErrorPage Marks a page as being an error page.

Class Summary
AbstractContext Extends the abstract PageContext class with japano specific context information.
Buffer Collects String object references and finally flushes them to a Writer.
Context The PageContext used by japano pages.
IDMechanism Represents the different strategies to associate a client with a session id.
JapanoConfig Extends javax.servlet.ServletConfig to add japano specific configuration information.
Page Base class for all japano JSP pages.
PageGenerator Loads the dynamically generated JSP classes and calls their output generation.
PageGenerator.ErrorPage Default Errorpage implementation.
PageNode Base class for all nodes in a page model.
PageNode.Output Helper class for tag output definitions.
Request Japano specific HttpServletRequestWrapper.
Response Japano specific HttpServletResponse subclass.
Servlet This is the main servlet class of the japano engine.
Session Base class for all session implementations which provides basic japano functionality.
TagFileContext Tag File specific context wrapper.
View Holds the URI and the attributes and messages for the current view.
View.Message A Message that can be added to a view.

Exception Summary
ForbiddenException Thrown to indicate that the access to a resource is forbidden, Throwing this causes the request to be answered with a HTTP 403 error.
JapanoException Japano page specific Exception.
NotFoundException Thrown to indicate that a resource was not found, Throwing this causes the request to be answered with a HTTP 404 error.
SkipPageException Thrown inside a page to stop evaluation of the rest of the page.

Package org.japano Description

This package contains the page engine.

Last modified $Date: 2005/09/27 21:30:50 $