Package org.japano.util

This package contains several usefull utility classes.


Interface Summary
JSONable Provides a method that provides a JSON dump of the current object.
XMLNode Simple Object-To-XML interface.

Class Summary
ColorSource Converts JSP and java sources into HTML files with styled content.
DumpActionConfig Ant Task which make a textual dump of a given action config file.
EmptyEnumeration Implements an Iterator which is always empty.
EmptyIterator Implements an Enumeration which is always empty.
Enum Base class for serialization-safe Enum-Classes.
Form Utility class with static HTML form related methods.
JapanoCompiler The japano JSP compiler ant task.
JSON Tool class with only static methods used to construct JSON representations of nested java object graphs.
JSPCompilerUtil Contains some utility for JSP generation.
JSPCompilerUtil.TEST Test methods for JSPCompilerUtil
Log4jMonitor Log4jMonitor is a log4j monitor which connects to a log4j socket hub appender and dumps the collected log entries to an GUI.
ResourceRef Encapsulates a Reference to an URI and the session it was invoked in.
TestJSP Ant Task to run automated inner page JSP tests with the japano test tag.
TestRunner Simple ant based unit testing task.
Util Contains various static utility methods usefull for webapplications.
Util.TEST Test methods for Util
XMLElement XMLElement is a representation of an XML object.

Exception Summary
XMLParseException An XMLParseException is thrown when an error occures while parsing an XML string.

Package org.japano.util Description

This package contains several usefull utility classes.

Last modified $Date: 2005/09/27 21:30:51 $